Thursday, January 29, 2009

High Tea for Darwin's 200th Birthday

Darwin would have turned 200 years old February 12th. Join us for conversation and birthday cake to celebrate the work of this influential naturalist.

The program will feature a 10-minute talk by a Cal Poly faculty member and subsequent audience conversation and questions.

February 12th, 3:00p-4:00pm

Kennedy Library, 2nd Floor Cafe Lounge

Francis X. Villablanca, Cal Poly Biological Science Associate Professor

Christy Strand, Cal Poly Biological Science Assistant Professor
"The Galapagos: not as Darwin saw them"

What is the future of research on the Galapagos?
--> Bring Your Unique Perspective on the Future

What might Darwin say about society today?
--> Stretch and Get Creative

How have Darwin's ideas shaped society?
--> Think About Them